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    Our mission is to promote high impact student achievement through cutting edge Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Practices. With these innovative programs, families are empowered to become authentic partners with the school district; while receiving wrap around support that benefits the whole child.

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    Our vission is a transformed school district that reconizes parents as partners and fully embraces the involvement and engagement of these parents as an essential element in students’ ability to realize their full academic potential.

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    Core Values

    •The engagement of our families with compassion and respect.

    •The development of our families ‘ members as leaders and agents of change.

    •The collaboration of our district with community partners for the empowerment of all DCSD families.

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The Parent Leadership & Advocacy focus area provides DCSD parents and caregivers access to knowledge relating to student achievement, the workings of our school system, and skills in advocacy and educational support. We provide opportunities for parents with training and resources to grow, achieve, and empower greater levels of advocacy for children, schools, and community.

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The Family Friendly School initiative has been developed by the DeKalb County School District’s Department of Parent and Family Engagement to help schools create and maintain a positive learning climate. This initiative will engage families and build a positive relationship between our families and the school. This initiative will improve student academic achievement and strengthen the family-school partnership. It is our goal that all schools communicate “Welcome!” to students and families by creating an environment that is friendly, inviting, and culturally sensitive.

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Parents’ Personal and Professional Growth & Development is designed to support and enhance parents’ education, post- secondary opportunities, and career advancement. Programs and resources provide parents the support needed to develop into lifelong learners as well as productive citizens.

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Our parent and family wrap-around services focus on supporting the mental, social, and emotional health & wellness of the entire family by strengthening parents’ capacity to overcome socioeconomic bearers and in-home challenges that negatively affect their children’s academic achievement. We offer parents and guardians a direct line to resources, supports, and services to address their needs. In addition, we offer several interactive workshops, seminars, and townhall meetings to assist parents in building their capacity to better support their children.

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According to Grace Chen’s Public School Review: Parental Involvement is Key to Student Success. April 30, 2018. Research shows that students’ Academic Achievement increases when parents and caregivers are involved in their children’s education. The more intensively involved the parents and caregivers are, the greater the positive impact on academic achievement. Research also shows that parental involvement not only enhances academic performance, but it also has a positive influence on student attitude and behavior. A parent’s interest and encouragement in a child’s education can affect the child’s attitude toward school, classroom conduct, self-esteem, absenteeism, and motivation.

We are committed to supporting our parents and caregivers through trainings and collaborations so that they can meaningfully impact their students’ academic success.

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Diversity & Inclusion Advocacy addresses the challenge of achieving a strong connection between the district’s international and culturally diverse families. We recognize families of English Language Learners as a valuable part of school communities and the overall success of the schools. It is our goal to bridge communication gaps with our non-english-speaking communities and diverse cultures, by offering resources and information through several outreach platforms, communicate in their spoken languages and advocate on their behalf.

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About Us

Everyone benefits when parents and families are involved in their children’s education. Not only do students do better in school, but parents feel more connected, as well. The Department of Parent and Family Engagement offers programs and services for students to improve their academic achievement.

We offer classes and trainings for parents and families to help them become academic partners for their children and to become more self-sufficient. We offer opportunities for the community to share their voice and partner to create stronger schools.

The Faces of Family Engagement

Our team provides high quality services using culturally competent practices. We provide services to families, schools, and community members who need assistance accessing school and District resources, addressing concerns, and building skills to be strong partners in their students’ education. We have Spanish-speaking staff and have access to multilingual interpretation services. Dedicated to developing educated, engaged, and empowered parents and staff who are partners in creating great schools in every neighborhood where Every Child Succeeds.

Contact Us

DCSD Family Engagement
1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd Stone Mountain, GA 30083
P: (678) 676-0384